5 x 0,65 PhD Positions "Cluster of Excellence: Beyond Slavery and Freedom. Asymmetric Dependencies in pre-modern Societies" (Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies)

5 Research Associates (PhD Positions) (65%, TVL E-13)

University of Bonn (Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies)
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Gefördert durch
Vom - Bis
01.10.2021 - 30.09.2024
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn

The Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies invites applications for the above positions running three years, from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2024. There will be an option of extending the contract for an additional year after a positive interim evaluation (3+1 years).

5 Research Associates (PhD Positions) (65%, TVL E-13)

The successful candidates will be employed at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS). The BCDSS was awarded the status of "Cluster of Excellence: Beyond Slavery and Freedom. Asymmetric Dependencies in pre-modern Societies" by the German Research Council. The BCDSS offers excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary and comparative study of different forms of dependencies from antiquity to the present, across many regions. The Center’s research into different forms of dependencies are approached from five different thematic and methodological perspectives (Research Areas, RA):
- RA A) Semantics – Lexical Fields – Narratives;
- RA B) Embodied Dependencies;
- RA C) Institutions, Norms, and Practices;
- RA D) Labor and Spatiality;
- RA E) Gender (and Intersectionality)
Among other academic positions, we are therefore recruiting graduate students who are interested in contributing to an outstanding interdisciplinary and international research center. The successful candidates will be among a total of around 40 PhD students working with more than 40 advanced and senior researchers contributing to the BCDSS’ research.

Job description
The successful candidates will formulate independent projects within one of the BCDSS’ Research Areas. The proposed projects may address any issue relevant to the study of “Slavery and
Dependency”, from any discipline respective to the chosen Research Area. Topics can therefore be of a wide variety – from micro studies to wide scale approaches, in any historical period or geographical region. The successful candidates will participate in the Center’s doctoral program that offers academic seminars and a non- academic training, giving a competitive edge when seeking future positions.

The positions are funded for up to four years (3 + 1 years) on a salary of 65% of the tariff of TV-L-E13, about €30,000 pro-rata per annum before tax. The successful candidates will receive a salary and social security benefits. In addition, access to extra funding for archive trips and conferences will be available, as well as institutional support for applicants with families and for women.

PhD candidates at the University of Bonn are advised to enroll as PhD students at the bi-annual “fee” of about €250. This fee covers free public transport in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as student discounts at museums, cinemas, and other benefits.

Applicants are required to have a completed university degree (Master, Magister or Staatsexamen) in history, archaeology, philology, theology, sociology, anthropology, law, Chinese Studies, history and societies of the Islamicate World, Japanese Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, Religious Studies, Tibetan Studies.
We welcome applications from all over the world. English is the working language within the BCDSS.

Proficiency in English can be verified by one of the following:
- ETS TOEFL certificate (minimum score of 600 for the paper-based test, 250 for the computerbased test, and 100 for the internet-based test);
- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, CPE (any grade);
- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, CAE (grade A or B);
- IELTS test (level 7.0);
- C1 level according to CEFR
Native speakers or graduates from an English-speaking university are exempt from this verification. However, we do not require a formal certificate.

How to apply
Applicants are invited to submit:
1. their application, consisting in: a) curriculum vitae; b) one copy of BA and MA certificates or equivalents (including official transcripts); c) a list of publications (if applicable)
2. an outline of the research project they would like to develop during the PhD (max 4 A4-pages), including: Key research questions and hypotheses; Originality of the proposed project vis-à-vis available studies (with a list of max 5 key publications); Sources and methodology; Connections of the proposed project with, and relevance to, the topic of the chosen Research Area of the Center. Cross- connections to another RA are also very welcome;
3. a suggestion for a potential supervisor from our list of PIs and BCDSS professorships. Please make sure that this potential supervisor has expertise in the discipline you locate your project in.
4. the name and contact of two referees (position, professional address and e-mail).

The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunity. It is certified as a family-friendly university. It aims to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and to promote their careers in particular. It therefore urges women with relevant qualifications to apply. Applications will be handled in accordance with the
Landesgleichstellungsgesetz (State Equality Act). Applications from suitable individuals with a certified serious disability and those of equal status are particularly welcome.

If you are interested in this position, please send your complete English application documents combined into one single Pdf file by 30 April 2021 to application@dependency.uni-bonn.de with the
application code 10/21/3.202. For further information please have a look at our website or contact Sarah Dusend, email: researchandstudy@dependency.uni-bonn.de.


